We’ve Moved!!!

We’ve Moved!!!

Your eyes are not deceiving you!   We have moved our office just right across the road into the old First Southern National Bank.  Come on down and check us out at 4815 Main Street, Bremen.  Backing out of the parking lot into the busy street is a thing of the past.  Multiple marked parking spots await!  Don’t want to get out?  That’s ok.  Better drive-thru placement results in less traffic backed up on Hwy 81.  No more cars backed up to the post office!

Our friendly billing clerks will gladly address your concerns and receive payments.  Teller stations allow for multiple customers to be taken care of at once.  No more standing in line on top of each other!  The spacious lobby allows for potential water customers to fill out the required paperwork.

And in case you were wondering, yes the ATM still works.  First Southern National Bank continues to maintain the ATM at this location.

Our office hours, phone number and billing address are still the same.



PO Box 67, Bremen, KY  42325

We hope to see you in the near future!!!

Designed by Kentucky Rural Water