Cold weather equals leaks

Cold weather equals leaks

So they come around every year……..fall & winter!!   These two seasons bring an abundance of calls into the office concerning customer water leaks.  The most common misconception perceived by our customers is the notion that our field guys will fix their leak.  The Kentucky Public Service Commission regulates the water district.  They let us know what we are/are not allowed to do by following the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS).  The PSC states that we are not allowed to go past the meter.  Thus you, the customer, are responsible for correcting your leak.

Another misconception is that if the dial is not turning, then there isn’t a leak.  The dial is not the leak indicator.  Most of our meters have the pinwheel in the middle of the dial.  That pinwheel is in fact the leak indicator.  Many times it will stop, spin, stop, spin, or sometimes it might take watching it for 10 minutes before it spins.  Toilet leaks are usually the culprit.

This influx of calls resulted in this article.  I hope it is easy to understand.  If not, please call and the office staff will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Also, if you notice your meter box is missing the lid, please contact the office for a replacement.  The cold air busts the bottoms of the meters resulting in water loss for the company and possibly creating a leak for you too.

Below are pictures listing the parts of the meter and the customer connection point.  If you suspect you have a leak please call and our field crew will gladly turn off the water so you can resolve your issue.  Click on the pictures to see them better.








































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