Grow Flowers, Fruit & Veggies…….Not Your Water Bill

Grow Flowers, Fruit & Veggies…….Not Your Water Bill

People are like bugs!  Warm weather comes and we start venturing outside more.  Flower and garden planting becomes a major priority.  Water conservation should be considered when planting is occurring.  Here are some tips to help you accomplish this goal.

1. Pick native plants that are suitable for your climate.  If you live an an arid environment, do not pick tropical plants.  Watering those plants will be excessive.  Instead pick heat tolerable ones that      can go longer between watering.

2. Recycle water from everyday uses.  When taking a shower or bath, put a bucket in the tub to collect the water that runs out while waiting for the correct temperature you desire.  Think of                     how much water goes down the drain while you are waiting for a relaxing bath!  Put that water to use!  Other sources can include cooking water and fish tank water.

3.  Mulch is a helpful tool to conserve water.  Putting a thick layer of mulch around plants will shade the soil keeping it moist.  It also acts as a barrier for weeds that steal water from plants.                     With moist soil, watering occurs less.

4.  Use Mother Nature.  If it is going to rain, turn off the timer on the sprinklers.  Put your pots and containers out where they can be watered naturally.  What is better than FREE???

5.  Also free is using a rain barrel.  Point a gutter end into the rain barrel to collect this free water source.  In no time it’ll be full of water to make your plants grow and flourish.

6.  Chose watering times carefully.  Watering in the early morning or late evening results in less evaporation.  Hot midday sun will evaporate some of the water before it even reaches the plant.                Watering in the morning will ensure the plants have a head start facing the midday sun.  Watering at night while cooler helps also.

Remember these tips while out picking, planting, and harvesting all the bountiful rewards from your hard work.  And grow flowers, fruit and veggies……not your water bill!!!


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